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The Importance of Data in Law Firm Management Webinar

Calibrate’s very own David Schaefer participates as a featured speaker in the Managing Partner Forum‘s webinar, The Rise of the Law Firm COO or C-Suite: Importance of Data in Law Firm Management.

This webinar is part of MPF’s “The Law Firm of the Future” series, hosted by Uri Gutfreund, SVP /Managing Principal of Ames and Gough and John Remsen, Jr., President/CEO of The Managing Partner Forum, which serves to help managing partners and law firm leaders look toward a long-term, proactive, forward-thinking, and strategic approach to their firms and the business of law.

David, and fellow panelists Julie Boehme and Rebecca Goodman-Stephens, speak to key topics addressed in a recent publication including:

  • The importance of KPIs and how many should be measured
  • The need for accurate and clean data
  • Creating a data-driven culture
  • The future of data analytics in the legal industry

Access the on-demand recording of the session below.

Featured Speakers

David Schaefer
David advises law firm leaders and COOs on how best to align the practice of law and business of law to best push forward a firm’s culture, vision and strategy. Well-versed in law firm partnership structures and practice management frameworks, David is a strong and effective advocate for introducing and implementing proven business strategies and best practices from outside the legal industry.

Rebecca Goodman-Stephens
Rebecca serves as the Chief Executive Officer at Moses Singer. Holding more than 18 years of experience in business strategy and operations with a strong track record of leading departments, service lines, and industry groups, Goodman-Stephens formulates and executes Moses Singer’s strategic growth plan and leads the firm’s operational and administrative

Julie Boehme
Julie Boehme serves as the Chief Operating Officer at Bernstein Shur. There, she is involved in all levels of administration, finance, technology, human resources, marketing, and business development. As a trusted advisor to the CEO and Board of Directors, Boehme executes strategy to support the firm’s mission to deliver superior service and counsel to their clients.

Webinar Hosts

John Remsen, Jr.
John is widely recognized as one of the country’s leading authorities on law firm leadership, management, marketing and business development. Since 1997 TheRemsenGroup has consulted with more than 400 law firms and thousands of law firm leaders to help them develop and implement long-term strategic objectives to improve cohesiveness, profitability and sustainability.

Uri Gutfreund
Uri is Senior Vice President, Managing Principal at Ames & Gough, a leading national specialty insurance brokerage firm. He helps law firms navigate through the complexities of liability and health insurance policies. As a Registered Professional Liability Underwriter, he is a frequent speaker and writer on insurance and risk management issues for law firms.

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