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When It’s Time to Move On

At Calibrate, we often talk to candidates who are struggling with the decision of whether to remain at their current job, or take a leap of faith and look for a new opportunity.

This decision is often deeply personal and it can be an extremely complex issue to sort through.

To help think through whether it is time to leave your current role, we turned to one of our favorite resources, the Harvard Business Review, where we found an article called “5 Signs It’s Time for a New Job” and we’ve taken the liberty of expanding on it with our own thoughts in points 6-11:

  1. You are not learning
  2. You are underperforming
  3. You are undervalued
  4. You are just doing it for the money
  5. You have a difficult relationship with your boss
  6. No room to move up after three years
  7. You feel pigeonholed
  8. You’re no longer interested in the subject matter (aka “bored”)
  9. There has been a shake-up at your firm
  10. Your expertise is ready to shine
  11. Topsy-turvy work-life balance

If you’re a list person (and let’s face it, as a valued Revenue Enabler, you probably are!), go through this list and assess your reasons for wanting to leave your current role.  After all, if you are undervalued or working for a boss whose values don’t sync with your own, it is likely impossible to change that.

However it is extremely important, especially as you begin to get slightly jaded in your current role, to always be a team player and while you are still there, to “come from a place of yes” and work as hard as you can.  We’ve all seen people who are disgruntled in their current role and rather than moving on, they stay too long, become too negative, and end up leaving behind a bad reputation when they finally do leave.

If you are currently deciding whether or not to stay in your current role (or even if you’re not), I would highly recommend reading the article, 16 Ways to Create Your Own Happiness, from Dr. Travis Bradberry, co-author of Emotional Intelligence 2.0, for incredibly valuable tips, both for junior team members as well as more senior team leaders.

As you go through this list, make sure you’re doing all that you can to create a positive work environment for yourself, and as a natural extension, for those around you.  This way, if and when you are ready to leave, you will be approaching the search from a positive frame of mind, and you will be well equipped to bring these techniques with you into your next role.

Picture of Jennifer Johnson

Jennifer Johnson

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