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As Law Firm Pros Tout Diversity Efforts, Lower-Level Staff Aren’t As Impressed

While many professional staffers on the upper rungs of the law firm business seem quite happy with their firms’ diversity, equity and inclusion efforts, that warm fuzzy feeling isn’t reflected among the rank-and-file staff in quite the same way.

In an article in The American Lawyer, Calibrate CEO Jennifer Johnson discusses the results of her firm’s survey of law firm business services professionals concerning their firms’ efforts to improve Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I).

Said Johnson…

As we were digging into this, we found that management felt more included in the process, while people lower on the chain felt less so,”

“Industrial diversity has been frustrating to incorporate into law firms.  Marketing teams, for example, want to hire the person from the firm next door. And by doing that, it means you are doing the same thing they are doing. There is no innovation.”

Picture of Jennifer Johnson

Jennifer Johnson

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