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Making Big Waves in Small Firms

The good news and the bad news about being the sole Marketing/BD professional at a small firm are exactly the same ‒ you are the one who must effect change.

For those with the ambition, patience and fortitude, the return on that hard work could be significant for yourself and your firm. But without some structure in place, the weight of the responsibility could eclipse the opportunity.

So, our colleagues at Totum Partners summarized their steps here on how to “make it work” and we’ve added our additional theories below.

1. Set Expectations Early

Give yourself some time to make an impact. It’s tempting to promise immediate results, especially in the hopes of gaining early credibility, but most worthwhile initiatives are the result of something far less glamorous – thoughtful discussion, planning, and preparation. Set that tone early and often.

2. Stand Your Ground

In a sea of logical thinkers who have been trained to find fault and manage risk, innovation and progress can get brushed aside for work that is traditional or safe. But more of the same doesn’t create a distinction or a willingness to buy. So do your research, trust your gut and don’t back down.

3. Embrace the Discomfort

Sometimes, the fear of change is warranted. Other times, it’s a sign that you’re on the right track. If you’re encountering resistance at your firm- remind yourself that most law firms aren’t marketing to other lawyers, so if there isn’t consensus among your lawyers for a new logo, website, RFP approach, it doesn’t mean it won’t work.

4. Establish a Budget

A budget should provide the outline for your marketing strategy. It makes the “yes’s” and the “no’s” easier if you can see how any given initiative does or doesn’t fit into your annual plan. Beyond that, a budget demonstrates an investment- both the firm’s and your own, because in a small firm, you’ll have to make a case for every dollar.

5. Market Yourself

It would be easy to get so busy doing your job that no one knows what your job actually is. Don’t give that chatter a chance to materialize. Consider marketing yourself as a component of your job and make time for speaking, writing, being interviewed, and applying for legal marketing awards and recognitions. If you can’t articulate your impact, no one else will do that for you.

In the end, a firm’s marketing success doesn’t need to be tied to their size. Even the smallest of firms can create a successful marketing platform as long as they let their people function at their best and highest use.

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