CONSULTING SOLUTIONS // Leadership Advisory

Performance Management

A law firm business strategy is supported by its objectives, but are you measuring progress against those objectives effectively?

If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. Calibrate can help you define the critical Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and metrics to measure the true performance of your firm’s efforts, including how those efforts help bring new business through the door.

Effective Performance Measurement

Setting the appropriate KPIs and metrics allows you to properly manage your team’s efforts towards the overall goal – be it increased profitability, lead generation, data governance, or other critical objectives. Calibrate can assist you and your team with:

  • Clearly defining overall business objectives
  • Identifying KPIs for your stated objectives
  • Developing metrics to accurately measure the work across your team/department
  • Combining cross-functional metrics (Marketing, Finance, HR, etc.) to paint a clearer picture of your firm’s overall performance

Our Approach

Reviewing any current objectives, KPIs and metrics in place with your business

Identifying gaps in your current measurement framework

Developing additions and modifications to your measurement framework

Change Management — including firm and/or department leadership

Integrating the new measurement framework into reports, dashboards, etc.

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