CONSULTING SOLUTIONS // Leadership Advisory
Partner Compensation
If partner compensation is not aligned with your mission and strategy, your firm’s partner compensation system becomes your mission and strategy.
In a highly active market for senior legal talent, offering competitive compensation is important — but aligning compensation and business strategy is critical. With deep experience in leading and advising law firms, Calibrate can help you craft a partner compensation model tailored to your firm’s goals.
Getting the Model Right
The interaction of many factors drives the selection of a partner compensation model: from firm history and culture, to market competitiveness, growth appetite and tolerance for risk. Calibrate can help you build the right model for your firm by utilizing:
- Compensation principles
- Marketplace factors
- Aligned measurement
- Decision making framework
- Policies and processes
Our Approach
Determining the overall compensation philosophy: e.g., individual vs. team; delivery vs. growth
Aligning your firm's incentives to drive desired behaviours
Understanding your talent's non-financial motivators
Establishing Compensation Committee Management structure and norms
Documenting compensation policies and processes
Partner Compensation: Put It In Writing
Make sure your law firm’s partner compensation policies have been captured in writing and are in sync with your strategy, values and the marketplace — especially if transformative changes are being contemplated, says Calibrate’s David S. Schaefer.