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In a joint study conducted by RubyLaw and Calibrate, we identify gaps and opportunities for firms of all sizes, maturities, and complexities.

By Gordon Braun-Woodbury and Alexander Kotler

Compared to other sectors, legal—and specifically the marketing and business development domain—is lagging, as firms fail to invest in critical systems that can drive greater efficiencies and reinforce under-resourced teams.

Our findings reveal a substantial gap in technological adoption between large and small firms, with glaring holes where key systems should be. In places where complementary systems should or could be paired, they are not, suggesting a lack of budget, internal support, or purchasing power.

Equally, the use of preintegrated or modular systems is under-represented, meaning that marketing and business development teams miss out on convenient synergies that can easily propel them forward.

This article originally appeared in the Summer 2021 edition of ILTA’s Peer to Peer publication.