2023 Law Firm HR/Talent Operations Index Findings

Calibrate is pleased to present the findings of our 2023 Law Firm HR/Talent Operations Index research study.

This year we set forth to build a picture of the progress the legal industry has made in adopting HR/Talent Operations best practices. The data we collected suggests that firms are making significant strides in valuing the importance of these practices while their execution holds significant opportunities for improvement across several categories.

The HR/Talent Operations Index maps the maturity of HR/Talent Operations at law firms against a common set of leading business practices used by high-performing talent organizations across eight categories:

  1. Business Alignment and Accountability
  2. Business Processes
  3. HR/Talent Data
  4. HR/Talent Performance Management
  5. Employee Enablement
  6. Systems and Technology
  7. Talent and Knowledge
  8. HR/Talent Operations

The questionnaire featured an array of statements correlating to the eight categories of HR/Talent Operations best practices and asked respondents to use a six-point scale (0–5) to rate both the importance of each business practice to the firm and the firm’s performance in executing it. This importance/performance approach helps identify the most critical performance gaps and improvement opportunities across the population.

Review our detailed findings below:

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